Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sunday School

My lil baby is growing too fast! He has started Sunday School! I can't believe it! I think Daddy had a harder time adjusting than Izaac did. Izaac went into class.. sat down... participated... laughed.... his teachers said he did great! No tears. No whining. You would think that would make daddy happy right? lol Well daddy's response was "I am offended that he didn't miss me" .... hahaha


  1. Aw :-) I think Chris had a harder time letting Sean go to Kindergarten than I did!

  2. Funny! We want them to grow up, but can't quite bear it when they show signs of it!!
    I see Nay Nay!!

  3. yes Laurie! You're right! and yes Nay Nay is in the same class :)
