Wednesday, February 15, 2012

365 Days +

Wow... So I can't believe it's been over a year since the last post... that's pretty bad. Facebook is just so much easier for me lol Anyway, I decided I wanted to make a post of my pregnancy. I'm 18 weeks now and that means I'm almost halfway. Figured I should document some of these pics :)

7.5 weeks
 10.5 Weeks

14 Weeks

16 Weeks

18 Weeks


  1. You look so cute! and you are so small!!!
    I haven't been keeping up with my blog too well either. I go about a month between posts it seems. facebook is just easier. I like your background for your blog! It's kinda fun to change it up sometimes :)

  2. Thanks Liv :) I think I have gained maybe 6 lbs... I'm 19 weeks tomorrow.... but If this baby turns out anything like Izaac, my belly will SHOOT out in a month or so lol :)
