Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Love Cereal

So last night, while Hubby was out playing soccer, I took Izzy to the park for an hour or so. When we got back, I was so tired and I had a headache ..... I did NOT feel like cooking. Can I just say that I love Cereal.... it's quick, easy and always YUMMY. I felt kind of bad not cooking, but hey... it's MULTI GRAIN cheerios sooo that's healthy right? :)


  1. Totally agree! We do a LOT of cereal here too. Partly because I am too lazy to cook some days, but also because my kids are picky :-( I usually buy the whole grain cereals too and try to stay away from too much sugar. Also, the more fiber the better lol ;-)

  2. you are taking some awesome photos!!!
    And I like Multi-Grain Cheerios too!!
    Cereal is ok. No need to feel badly.

  3. Thanks girlies :)

    Tab - So are you saying that I took bad pictures before? lol Just kidding! I have been playing more w/ Macro... LOVE IT :)
