Thursday, November 4, 2010

Family Fall Festival

This year was the first year that our chapel decided to do a Family Fall Festival. They set up booths with different games and prizes. A lot of the chapel kids dressed up and some of the workers also. They wanted to use it as a type of outreach for the neighborhood kids. To give them an alternative to roaming the neighborhood etc. They also worked in a gospel message in pumpkin carving. They spoke about how we are like the pumpkin, dirty inside, when we accept the Lord as our savior he cleans us from our sin, they put a candle inside to show how the Holy spirit lives in us and shines through etc.... We were so sad to have missed it, but the cruise had already been booked in advance.

Anyway, my parents took Izaac to the festival for us. He had a SUPERMAN costume that was oh so cute on him! However, my mom's camera was missing the memory card, so the pictures I have are ones that were taken by someone else in passing. I will have to see if he will allow me to put the costume back on so I can take pictures lol We'll see.

Here are the two pictures I have at the moment. The first one is my dad and Izaac at one of the booths & the second one shows that Izaac is "faster than a speeding bullet" ... that's why it's blurry lol He's so fast, he lost his cape haha


  1. Cute little speedy boy! I like that Gospel message pumpkin. Very cool!

  2. thanks! Yes I thought that was super cool! Very neat way to incorporate the gospel!
